• Magic Gemys 4k 3D
  • Magic Gemys 4k 3D
  • Magic Gemys 4k 3D

The Gemys are charming creatures that inhabit the magical mountains. Each Gemy possesses a unique personality, giving rise to a rich and diverse community.


Some Gemys are mischievous and love playing pranks on other mountain dwellers. Their playful antics bring a touch of mischief and laughter to their daily lives.


On the other hand, some Gemys are ambitious and enjoy power. They strive to stand out and exert their influence within the community.


Their skills and charisma give them a leadership aura. Despite these more turbulent personalities, most Gemys are kind-hearted and gentle. They are filled with compassion and are ready to assist their mountain companions in times of need.


They are known for their generosity and ability to forge deep connections with other magical creatures that populate the surroundings.


Adopt them !




This collection consists of 500 unique NFTs, each featuring 4K 3D images generated by artificial intelligence.

The Polygon blockchain has been chosen to mint the NFTs.

The launch of this collection will begin with an airdrop on Facebook and Twitter.

Make sure to follow our respective pages to participate and take advantage of this opportunity.

The Ranking Score :


This one-of-a-kind collection brings together a wide range of characters. Each NFT encompasses up to 10 properties and incorporates an evaluation system that indicates the rarity of each character, delighting both collectors and investors alike.

The ranking is a measure used to determine the rarity of an NFT. It is represented by an index score ranging from 0 to 100. Naturally, the higher the score of an NFT, the rarer it is.


Score 20-30 8 NFT 1,6 %
Score 30-40 55 NFT 11 %
Score 40-50 98 NFT 19,6 %
Score 50-60 106 NFT 21,2 %
Score 60-70 107 NFT 21,4 %
Score 70-80 59 NFT 11,8 %
Score 80-85 26 NFT 5,2 %
Score 85-90 21 NFT 4,2 %
Score 90-95 19 NFT 3,8 %
Score 95-100 1 NFT 0,2 %


This collection showcases eccentric characters residing in a realm adorned with gems and magic. No additional NFTs will be included in this collection. However, it will serve as a foundation for the creation of future collections inspired by this enchanting universe. Rest assured, this project is far from destined to fade away; on the contrary, it is poised for growth. As both collectors and investors, we share a common goal of enhancing the prominence and allure of this emerging world.


Video presentation of the Gemys NFT collection





Winners have the opportunity to receive NFTs from the collection for free. If you also want to take advantage of these opportunities, follow us on Twitter.




The minting phase of the Gemys Collection is starting and will unfold in multiple stages. The initial stage, the most lucrative opportunity, allows you to mint the first 100 NFTs from the collection for a mere 10 Matics. We invite you to take advantage of this introductory price and invest in this unparalleled collection.


The Gemys collection NFT minting is divided into several phases:


– The initial 100 NFTs are available for minting at a price of 10 Matic.
– The second minting phase will offer an additional 100 NFTs for minting at a price of 20 Matic.
– The third minting phase will make another 100 NFTs available for minting at a price of 30 Matic.
– The fourth minting phase will provide another 100 NFTs for minting at a price of 40 Matic.
– The fifth minting phase will release 50 additional NFTs for minting at a price of 50 Matic.
– Finally, the last minting phase will offer the remaining NFTs for minting at a price of 80 Matic.


In total, the collection will consist of 500 unique NFTs.


Join the project now to take advantage of potential significant gains. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!


The minting link:



Greeting Aimage